Providing a Safe Haven for mothers-to-be and their babies

Casa De Los Angelitos

“There is incredible value in being of service to others.” Elizabeth Berg

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Providing, Encouraging and Acknowledging...

Helping mothers and their babies for 30 years!

Casa de los Angelitos is a not-for-profit maternity home that has been helping pregnant women in crisis situations since 1986.  Casa provides a safe, secure, compassionate environment for the women and their infants, the only home of its kind in the South Bay area of Los Angeles, California.

We rely on the kind donations, financial support and volunteer services of the generous people in our community to fulfill Casa de los Angelitos’ mission of providing shelter and care for our young mothers and their precious babies.


Providing, Encouraging and Acknowledging…

Are you in need of a safe and secure residence for your pregnancy and birth?

Awesome Features

Did You Know?

20 Health Tips for Pregnant Women

Congratulations, you are pregnant! While you are excited about the news, so many thoughts are racing through your mind! You have this sudden urge to know everything about pregnancy.

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Baby’s First Year: The Ultimate Month By Month Guide

Inside you’ll find the ultimate guide to your baby’s first year, baby’s first milestones, and a month by month guide to rock being a mama.

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Parenting tips for the first two years of life

Did you know that up to 75% of each meal goes to build your baby's brain? Or that over 80% of your baby’s brain is formed by the age of 3?

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Moms' Mental Health Matters

Pregnancy and a new baby can bring a range of emotions. In fact, many women feel overwhelmed, sad, or anxious at different times during their pregnancy and even after the...

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“My name is Shannynne and Casa de los Angelitos helped out many years ago when I found myself pregnant and alone. I was working at Starbucks when I became pregnant...
Proud Mother
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