In a heartwarming tale of resilience and determination, Shalana, the visionary behind Punkdemic, takes us on a journey from a shelter for abused women to the thriving world of fashion with a purpose.
In 1997, at the age of 19 and six months pregnant with her first child, Shalana found herself in a challenging situation. Living among severely abused women in a shelter left her feeling uncomfortable until fate led her to Casa de los Angelitos. This warm and welcoming haven not only provided her with a home but also introduced her to her lifelong friend, Antoinette.
Casa de los Angelitos became the catalyst for Shalana’s transformation. Equipped with tools and inspiration, she began her journey of self-discovery. Despite the hurdles of being a young, expectant mother, Shalana pursued education at Compton Community College. Her quest for purpose-led her through diverse avenues, from culinary arts to law school.
The dream of becoming a lawyer took a backseat as Shalana, now a mother of five, faced the challenges of raising a family. Undeterred, she embraced a new path as a court mediator, contributing to the legal system for many years. However, the winds of change arrived with the pandemic, bringing both hardship and opportunity.
Laid off from her job as a court mediator, Shalana saw this as a blessing in disguise. It granted her the time and opportunity to revisit her true calling – owning a clothing line. Punkdemic was born, a brand not only dedicated to fashion but also to making a positive impact on the community.
Shalana’s commitment to giving back echoes through Punkdemic’s mission. Part of the profits are directed towards domestic abuse charities, a tribute to her roots at Casa de los Angelitos. Her journey from a shelter resident to a successful entrepreneur is a testament to the strength that arises from adversity and the power of giving back to those in need.
Shalana’s story is one of resilience, friendship, and turning setbacks into stepping stones on the path to success. Punkdemic not only represents a fashion statement but also a symbol of hope and empowerment, inspired by a woman who defied the odds and found her true calling in the process.