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The Amazing Transformation of Antoinette

In 1997, Antoinette found herself pregnant with her fourth child, unaware that she was actually carrying twins. Estranged from her husband and three older kids due to a harrowing battle with drug addiction, she reached a turning point when she stumbled upon Casa de los Angelitos. The compassionate support she received there became the foundation for a remarkable transformation.

At Casa de los Angelitos, Antoinette discovered a haven of compassion and understanding. The supportive community embraced her as she navigated the challenges of pregnancy while confronting her addiction. The staff provided counseling, education, and a nurturing environment that empowered Antoinette to break free from the chains of substance abuse.

Throughout her stay, Antoinette forged connections with fellow residents who were on similar journeys of recovery. The bonds formed in Casa de los Angelitos became a lifeline, reinforcing the strength of unity in overcoming adversity. Antoinette’s determination to rebuild her life intensified, fueled by the prospect of a brighter future for herself and her unborn twins.

As she progressed in her recovery, Antoinette also rekindled the relationships with her older children, who cautiously began to trust the positive changes they witnessed in their mother. Casa de los Angelitos not only served as a refuge for Antoinette but also as a catalyst for healing within her family.

Post-rehabilitation, Antoinette set her sights on education and self-improvement. Guided by newfound purpose, she graduated from Cal State Long Beach and currently plays a  crucial role as the Assistant Food Service Director for the  National School Lunch Program, channeling her experiences into helping others. Her journey from crisis to success  unfolded as she excelled in her role, becoming a symbol of hope for those facing similar challenges.

The twins, born into a world of uncertainty, grew up  witnessing their mother’s resilience and determination. Supported by Antoinette’s unwavering commitment to their well-being, they excelled academically and, against all odds, graduated from UCLA in 2019 with degrees in cinematography and psychology. Both are now successful in their careers – Isaiah as a cinematographer and April as a property manager for a subsidized housing project that servers transitional age youth referred by the Department of Mental Health.

Today, Antoinette stands as a beacon of inspiration, not just for her own family but for the countless lives touched by her story. The gratitude she feels towards Casa de los Angelitos fuels her dedication to helping others overcome adversity. The home that once sheltered her during her darkest days is now a beacon of hope, echoing the transformative power of compassion, support, and the indomitable human spirit.

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